World Vegan Magazine 03/19
4. September 2019World Vegan Magazine 01/19
2. March 2019
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World Vegan Magazine 02/19
In this digital edition you will find the following topics:
- Marie Wegener +++ Winner of "Germanys next Superstar"
- Aleksandar Jovanovic +++ vegan for ethical reasons
- Hanneh Kah +++ the band and greta
- Björn Moschinski +++ the vegan chef in japan
- DJ Phonique +++ How V Dance Berlin
- Marie meets +++ Johanna Klum & Robert Seeliger on Sylt
- Mischa Janiec +++ Selfmade....that`s how it`s done
- Niko Rittenau +++ important blood tests for vegans
- Sasha Kalis +++ Bahamas underwater world threatens
- Rezepte exclusive from Björn Moschinski, Rosa Lazic, Sebastian Copien, Carmen Hercegfi uvm.
Take a look!
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